Water Remediation Workshop
The emergence of nanotechnology and the development of functional and advance nanomaterials have the potential to contribute towards sustainable practices for clean and green economy. Nanomaterials are usually small particles with nanoscale dimension ranging from 1-100nm. At the nano size, materials often take on unique and sometimes unexpected properties that result in them being ‘tuned’ to build faster, lighter, stronger, and more efficient devices and systems, as well as creating new classes of materials. In water research, nanotechnology is applied to develop cost-effective and high-performance water treatment systems, as well as to provide instant and continuous ways to monitor water quality. Nanotechnology application to water research focus on water quality monitoring, treatment, remediation, sensing, contributing towards pollution prevention. Nanotechnology applications for waste water research have significant impact in maintaining the long-term quality, availability, and viability of water. Various nanomaterials that could be used in water remediation (zeolites, carbon nanotubes, self-assembled monolayer on mesoporous supports, biopolymers, single-enzyme nanoparticles, zero-valent iron nanoparticles, bimetallic iron nanoparticles, and nanoscale semiconductor photocatalysts) are the focus of the workshop. Nanotechnology is a game changing technology with the ability to possible address the need of clean water availability around the globe. The workshop is held for knowledge dissemination for sustainable translational research for clean and green environment and economy.
Water remediation workshop at NANOSTRUC 2023 which is in partner with Academy of Nanotechnology and Wastewater Innovations (ANWWI), South Africa, IEEE Nanotechnology Council SA Chapter, Durban University of Technology, South Africa and Robert Gordon University, UK. This is one day workshop what has aim of possible nanotechnological solution for water remediation. It will unite the water industry, textile, municipalities, environmental related industry, and research communities.
- Prof Shivani Bhardwaj Mishra: Founder and Director-Academy of Nanotechnology and Wastewater Innovations, Johannesburg South Africa
- Prof Ajay Mishra: Chair: IEEE Nanotechnology Council SA Chapter & Professor, Group leader ‘Environmental’ at Durban University of Technology, South Africa
Registrations will be completed through the conference registration system:https://nanostruc.info/registration/

Professor Shivani Bhardwaj Mishra (Founder and Director-ANWWI)
Research Areas: Sol-gel technology, Nanotechnology; Ceramics; Industrial waste and Water treatment.
Professor Shivani Bhardwaj Mishra is Founder and Director of Academy of Nanotechnology and Waste water Innovations [ANWWI]. She is serving as an Adjunct Professor at Hebei University of Science and Technology, China and as International Advisory Board member at TU Wien, Austria. This has boosted her academic career allowing her to expand her research expertise with joint projects, publications and knowledge exchange activities. Over twenty years of her academic experience accounts for teaching organic chemistry and research in the field of nanomaterials, nanocomposites and its various environmental and material applications. Besides, her core research interest is waste valorization to promote sustainability and circular economy growth. Her educational background involves a PhD in Chemistry from Jamia Millia Islamia, Master of Science [Organic Chemistry] and Bachelor of Science [Chemistry] from University of Madras, India.
For her outstanding profile and academic achievements, she was inducted as prestigious Fellow member of Royal Society of Chemistry in 2015 and is a member of American Chemical Society, USA, South African Chemical Society and many others. She is the recipient of many accolades and among these are, Distinguished Woman Scientist award from Department of Science and Technology, South Africa, Woman in Research Leadership Award from University of South Africa and recognised as Top 10 researchers at University of Johannesburg. She is Associate Editor for Frontiers for Green and sustainable chemistry and Guest Associate Editor for Medicinal and Pharmaceutical chemistry, editorial board member and reviewer for various journals. She has more than hundred publications in renowned journals.
Google Scholar ID: https://scholar.google.co.za/citations?user=wq60HlkAAAAJ&hl=en

Professor Ajay Kumar Mishra MSc, MPhil, PhD, CSci, FRSC (Director-ANWWI)
(Top 2% most cited researcher in the world: Stanford University, USA since 2019- todate)
Research Areas: Nanoscience/Nanotechnology; Nanocomposites; Functional materials; Industrial waste; Wastewater treatment
Prof Ajay Kumar Mishra is a Full Professor in the Department of Chemistry at Durban University of Technology (DUT), Durban, South Africa. Professor Mishra is also serving as Director at the Academy of Nanotechnology and Wastewater Innovations, South Africa; Professor KIIT Deemed University, Bhubaneswar, India; Visiting Professor(s) at Robert Gordon University, UK; Bashkir State University, Russia; Adjunct Professor at Hebei University of Science and Technology, China and Jiangsu University, China. He is National Research Foundation (NRF) rated scientist and an experienced science educator with 20+ years of research/teaching experience at various institution in South Africa and DUT.
Prof Mishra have been the group leader of the Nanomaterials, Nanocomposites and wastewater research group with a strong national, international and industrial collaborations. Prof Mishra has published more than 160+ papers in peer-reviewed international journals and also represented in 150+ or more papers in various conferences. He has edited more than 35+ books and contributed over 65 book chapters in various peer reviewed edited books by established publishers. He has also delivered more than 125 plenary/keynote/invited/guest lectures in various research institutions/universities/ conferences/seminars/workshops. Prof Mishra has hosted many international visiting researchers and visited several universities globally. He has successfully graduated 13 PhD’s, 22 Master’s students. Recently, Prof Mishra have been named on a list of the top 2% of the most-cited scientists in various disciplines globally (2019-2022). Prof He has attained considerable national and international recognition, as well as awards including “Fellow member” and “Chartered Scientist” by Royal Society of Chemistry, UK and Chancellor’s Prize (Unisa) for excellent achievement in research. Prof. Mishra also serving as Associate Editor as well as member of the editorial board of many peer-reviewed international journals and books and scientific societies.
Google Scholar ID: https://scholar.google.co.za/citations?user=5Um1GE4AAAAJ&hl=en